A Typical Day / Emploi du Temps
8h30 - 9h | Arrivée / Arrivals, Jeux Libre / Free Time
9h15 | Bienvenue + Story/Histoire, Related to the Theme/Subject for the month, e.g., "Forest Animals"
9h45 | Activité Guidée / Guided Activity: Hands-On, Kinetic as related to the month's subject, e.g. What do particular forest animals sound like, how do they move around (crawl/fly/etc), learning words and descriptions in French
10h15 | Gouter / Snack
11h | Activité Guidée: structured yet informal with songs, as related to the month's subject, e.g. letters/alphabet, pronunciation, reading
12h-13h | Déjeuner / Lunch
12h30 | Au revoir for students in the morning program
12h30-13h | Déjeuner/Lunch & Jeux Libre / Free Time
13h15 - 14h | Temps de relaxer/ Downtime
14h30 - 15h | Jeux en groupe!Group Activity
15h | Au Revoir et à demain!
*all activities & meals will have outside time, weather permitted*