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Our Method

    Learning for Les Castors in Charleston will be a full immersion, play-based educative program through diverse and interactive activities, we want your children to guide us into the world!

    Our goal as parents and educators is to open each child’s eyes and mind through a bilingual education so that they may use their hands, voices, and imagination to create nuanced and dimensional responses. We will use a mixed-age-group classroom setting where the benefits to both younger and older children are endless... Read on to find the positive effects of this approach.


Our Values + What Makes Us Unique

The values we hold as a team and hope to impart on our students include:

  • Cognitive Abilities

    • Having a multilingual and multicultural approach can lead to creative and more dimensional problem-solving in communication, abstract thinking, and a wider experience and worldview.

    • Members of our team are trained in language acquisition and neurological and behavioral sciences. We want our students to dream big, and think and move creatively in this world.

  • No Screen Time!

  • Spending time Outdoors, in Fresh Air and Sunlight

    • Our schoolyard is just as important in the consideration of our facility and programming. It is situated in a former floral garden with Southern Oaks and Camellias. Eating, Playing, and Activities will be held outdoors, as the weather and subject matter permit.

  • A Mindful and Global Approach

    • French is spoken throughout the world, in regions that are found in the Caribbean, Canada, Africa, and the Pacific Ocean - to name a few. That is something to celebrate!  -- And we'd like to expand on it: with the goal of a wide worldview in mind, we will incorporate lessons that feature various cultural holidays, cuisine, and traditions -- learning about fellow cultures in the French language. 

  • Incorporating French Lifestyle, History, and Culture to a School Day

    • Longer lunch time, 1h, a la franquette, where children sit down to a proper meal​ that is not rushed, and generally taken outdoors. 
      -- Children value the time at the table, the food they are consuming, and the company that they are with. 

    • More time outdoors

    • Temps de se relaxer/breaktime. To restore and let new information process.

    • Historical figures, approaches to cuisine, geography as related to France 

  • Bilingual Guest Lecturers: Exposure to various Career Paths

    • We are lucky in Charleston to be connected with French-speaking professionals across various trades, and we'd love to expose our students to vocations held by local entrepreneurs:

      • Chefs, Cellists, Fashion Designers, Restauranteurs, Yoga/Meditation Instructors, Equestrians, Painters/Fine Artists

  • Mixed-Age Group Classrooms

    • See below!

Benefits of a Mixed-Age Group Classroom

     Well, learning and playing in a mixed-age group classroom -- compared to groupings by age in grade levels -- sets the stage for real, adult life, n'est-ce pas? As citizens and parents -- we are constantly interacting, socializing, and empathizing with individuals across varied backgrounds -- in our jobs, neighborhoods, community, and even within our own families. 

  • Social / Emotional Skills

    • preparation for real-world 

    • empathy & compassion

    • interaction

    • diversity

    • integration

    • cooperation not competition

    • teaching Leaders

  • Cognitive Skills

    • reduces cognitive decline

    • enriches neurological pathways

    • gray matter growth

    • language acquisition

    • memory

    • creative problem-solving

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