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My child has no experience in a foreign language. Is this program right for him/her?Absolutely! Children are incredible, and capable of any amazing task set in front of them with the right preparation. Les Castors teachers are prepared, through training, to introduce not only language learning but first education skills. You as a parent will be amazed and maybe jealous at their amazing mind!
My child is fluent in French/has French at home. How will your program benefit him/her?At any level, and with any knowledge, practice is the most important. A language is not only a form of communication, it is a culture, it is an opening to another world. And at Les Castors we will encourage academics but more importantly, life with the French language.
What is the immersion level of the programs?The maternelle and after-school will be 100% in French, with an adjustment period for new learners in the beginning month. The summer camp will be 100% fun in French!
Will there be formal lessons, i.e reading/writing?"We will discuss this with each individual family -- the intensity is part of the program. But, yes, if desired, for the "school age" children (6-12) there will be lessons in reading, writing, culture utilizing the CNED program as a minor guide.
Is there an entrance test or screening involved for enrollment?We would like to have a meeting with each family to discuss their desires and goals for their child in any of our programs. There will only be "testing" if the child will participate in our CNED program.
Will there be homework or activities to be completed outside of the program? If so, how can I help my child if I don't speak French?"There is always more work at home ! Les Castors will provide, at the beginning of every month, our theme for that month with songs/readings, etc. for parents to have access and supplement at home as well!
Describe a typical day for students?Great question! Here is an outline for a typical day in Maternelle Day Care (age 3-6yrs): Emploi de Temps: 8h - 9h | Arrivee / Arrivals, Jeux Libre / Free Time 9h15 | Bienvenue + Story/Histoire, Related to the Theme/Subject for the month, e.g., "Forest Animals" 9h45 | Activite Guidee / Guided Activity: Hands-On, Kinetic as related to the month's subject, e.g. What do particular forest animals sound like, how do they move around (crawl/fly/etc), learning words and descriptions in French 10h15 | Gouter / Snack 11h | Activite Guidee: Structured and Formal with Songs, as related to the month's subject, e.g. letters/alphabet, pronunciation, reading 12h | Dejeuner / Lunch 12h30 | Au revoir for students in the morning program / Bienvenue for students in the afternoon program 13h | Jeux Libre / Free Time 13h15 - 14h | Histoire or Temps Relaxe 14h30 - 15h | Guided Activity 15h | Au Revoir et A Demain!

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